Lesson 1"WE'RE IN A SPIRITUAL BATTLE" Type content here... LESSON 2"SATAN’S IN-ROADS THAT PREVENT GODLY LIVING!" Type content here... LESSON 3"GOD OF THIS WORLD" Type content here... LESSON 4"UNDER THE UMBRELLA" Type content here... LESSON 5"COMMAND YE ME" Type content here... Lesson 6"WHAT IS REVIVAL AND HOW DOES IT HAPPEN" Type content here... LESSON 7"BELIEVE AND RECEIVE" Type content here... LESSON 8"THE ENEMY CAN'T STAND AGAINST YOU" Type content here... LESSON 9"LAW ENFORCEMENT" Type content here... LESSON 10"HOW THE POWER FLOWS" Type content here... LESSON 11"COOPERATE WITH GOD" Type content here... LESSON 12"HONOR GOD" Type content here... LESSON 13"NO NEW TESTAMENT MODEL" Type content here... LESSON 14"ONE MEDIATOR" Type content here... LESSON 15"THE BATTLE IS IN YOUR MIND" Type content here... LESSON 16"FIGHT TO WIN" Type content here...