Making Life Disciples

Making Life Disciples is a life-affirming ministry that offers compassion, hope, and help to women and men facing unplanned pregnancy decisions.

Our goal is to connect with women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy and provide them with a safe and confidential avenue where we can communicate the practical, spiritual, and educational information concerning pregnancy and the life of their child. We are also a bridge that connects women and men to the outstanding services provided by Care Net Peninsula.

If you are currently facing an unplanned pregnancy or would like more information about this ministry, please contact the church office at 757-874-1223 or you can get in touch with

Amanda Rocheleau at Email:

Special Drive:

May 4th - 18th - Donation Drive

These items are needed: Diaper Backpacks, Footed Sleeper PJs (NB-12 month), and baby toiletries (shampoo/wash/lotion). Please direct all monetary donations directly to Care Net Peninsula. Your donations help local moms find the help they need to choose life for their baby.


DONATe to Care net