Men's Ministry Events

    As men we seek God first and foremost. We utilize the Word of God to strengthen our roles as a husband, father, businessman, and leader. We recognize that every man wants to be a part of something bigger than himself. We pursue this by our list of events below: 

    Warpath Series:

    Warpath is a brand new, comprehensive and powerful video series for men who have completed the Conquer Series. It takes men deeper into subjects presented in the Conquer Series and provides new tools and insights to maintain a life of sustained sexual integrity.

    This Series is a Game changer for our Community

    "I strongly encourage you to get the study guide. Just watching the series passively is not gonna be enough. The study guide is crucial in this healing process. I can't stress enough, how important this is for your success."  Dr. Ted Roberts, Conquer Series Host

    Conquer Series:

    The Conquer Series is a new DVD teaching series for men. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world.

    The Conquer Series is a powerful cinematic study that is transforming the lives of men around the world. Now in two action packed volumes, each containing Biblical teaching and proven principles to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom.  

    This Series is a Game changer for Men who are Struggling

    Men are finding freedom by the thousands. Dr. Ted Roberts, host of the Conquer Series, has personally counseled over 10,000 men with a 90% success rate. He's taken his proven Biblically-based process and incorporated it into the Conquer Series. We are now seeing thousands of men finding freedom from porn and remaining free for years!

    "This series has helped change my life. The healing it has caused has revolutionized my relationship with my wife, kids, and people at church. The only thing I regret is not having this info 15 years ago."

    Matthew Cook.

    Authentic Manhood:

    Authentic Manhood is all about setting men up to live lives of truth, passion and purpose.  Our resources offer clear and practical Biblical insights on God’s design for manhood that are both refreshing and inspiring.  Using "33 The Series" we point men to a gospel-centered vision of life that sets them up to enjoy God’s grace as they pursue the promises of His Word.

    “33 The Series.” is a multi-volume, gospel-centered video series that presents the timeless truths of Authentic Manhood in a powerfully new and engaging way.  It includes new insightful teaching, inspiring testimonies, expert interviews and multiple creative features.  As a man experiences the different volumes of 33, he will find himself building a vision for Authentic Manhood in his own life that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ and was modeled by Him in His 33 years on earth.

    Neighborhood Prayer Walk: (Pending Restart)

    Every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. men come together to walk neighborhoods and pray for the needs of the specific area.  

    Fund Raising:

    The Men’s Ministry has fund raising events to help cover the cost of other Men’s events throughout the year – the Car Wash and Garage Sale are the two most popular.

    Fishing Trip:

    The fishing trip is organized by the Men’s Ministry and is open to all comers!  Join us for an exciting day catching fish and getting out on the waters of Hampton Roads!

    Movie Night:

    Family-friendly Movies are shown approximately every other month on a Saturday night for all at WOWC Campus 2 or the DCA gym.  Free popcorn and a chance to bring the whole family out for a treat!

    Fall Prayer Walk on the Noland Trail:

    Come out and experience fall colors on the Noland Trail at the Maritime Museum in Newport News!  The walk includes stops at scenic overlooks with scripture readings on the wonder of God’s creation.

    Men’s Retreat:

    The culmination of the Men’s Ministry each year is the Men’s Retreat at Camp Piankatank Christian Summer Camp and Retreat Center. Each year the retreat features an exciting guest speaker, workshops with WOWC pastors, free time to enjoy nature, praise and worship, and a chance to fellowship with WOWC men and other denominations at the Retreat Center.

    We want to empower men to impact their workplace, communities and most importantly their families for the kingdom of God.

    For more info contact wowcmen@wowcenter.org