Pastor Norman Rush Jr. Notes
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God will make all things right
Justice should characterize God's people
Only the Lord God is worthy of our worship
Keeping covenant with God is supremely important
God calls and equips some believers to minister as prophets
Cheerful generosity is the Christian way of life
Christians are called to worship the one true God only
Christian unity is an essential characteristic of a healthy local church
We serve the resurrected and triumphant Savior!
Christ’s suffering is part of God’s prophesied plan to heal the world
The suffering servant Christ suffered to free us from the bondage of sin
Following the plan of God will take you to unexpected places, but will always work out for good
God's purpose in the Incarnation was to reveal Himself through Christ
The Promised Messiah Jesus Christ is all He was promised to be
Jesus’ atoning work made the blessings of forgiveness and eternal life available to all
Jesus' prophesied ancestry and priesthood highlight the power and faithfulness of God
Godly women are integral to the health and ministry of the Church
Christians respond in awe and thanksgiving at God’s wondrous plan of salvation
God hears and answers the earnest prayers of His people
God works His providence in our lives through all circumstances
The Lord anoints godly leaders to guide and encourage His people
God rewards those who exercise faith in His promises
We should speak life-giving words and seek to bless the people of God
Godly leadership can be cultivated by ongoing spiritual practices
Israel's rebellion reminds us of divine punishment for sin
God examines and uses those who dedicate their lives to Him
Identify God-honoring relationships and listen to wise counsel
Discerning and yielding to God's plan helps us to choose wisely
Recognize God’s favor on His people and respond with obedience to Him
The presence of God is a place of refuge, strength, and deliverance for the believer in Christ
Though man is mortal, he can have everlasting life through Jesus Christ
The presence of God brings blessings to His children
Christians receive hope and guidance from God during troubling and perplexing times
Almighty God is sovereign, transcendent, and worthy of all glory and praise
The Lord Jesus Christ will rule in truth and justice over all the earth
God uses a variety of relationships in churches to produce change in His people
Christian servants teach by both word and deed
Christian leaders must live as a holy example to all
Qualified Christian leaders ensure proper care for God’s household
Christian leaders need continual prayer to remain faithful in their calling
Leadership development includes relationships that involve prayer and mentoring
Christians learn to detect false doctrine as they are instructed in the Word
Love Is the Most Excellent Way
Pentecostal Experience Continues
The Holy Spirit Produces Faith, Meekness, Temperance
The Holy Spirit Produces Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness
The Holy Spirit is central to Christian living
Christians can live confidently and victoriously in Christ
Christians demonstrate their love for God by loving others
Because Christ is alive, we can experience a personal relationship with Him
Christians must discern between truth and error
Becoming a child of God results in a transformed life
Christian discipleship means living in obedience to Christ
Christians are called into fellowship with God and other believers
Church problems can be solved by listening to the Holy Spirit and applying Biblical principles
Through Jesus Christ, the Church will stand strong
God wills for His followers to live in close fellowship
The Holy spirit empowers the Church for effective ministry
The Church has always been part of God's plan
Jesus Christ came, and He will come again
Church fellowship is Kingdom fellowship
God’s kingdom grows as the Word of God is planted in people’s hearts
A life governed by Christ requires undivided loyalty to Him
God blesses those who hear, believe, and obey Him
Our actions must glorify God, not ourselves
Christians must be faithful stewards of God’s creation
In a world constantly shouting at us, we must be careful to heed God’s voice
Your identity and God-given gender come from Christ, your Creator
For the well-being of ourselves and others, God commands sexual purity
Because humans are created by God in His image, all human life must be valued
God enables His children to finish life well
God desires for families and the family of God to be unified around His Word
God gives wisdom and understanding to His followers
God is present with us through the Holy Spirit in good and bad times
God patiently draws sinners to repentance and submission
God’s plan for humanity will be fully realized despite the sinfulness of people
By Covenant, Abraham Became the First Jew: God still calls people to enter into covenant with Him
Wisdom from God must be continuously sought
We must guard our hearts against evil and remain obedient to God
We must desire, prepare for, and make room for the presence of God in our lives
Meticulous instructions from God require meticulous acts of obedience
The pursuit of godly wisdom invites God’s favor
Christian leaders must value and pursue the succession of godly leadership
Followers of Christ may be called to herald the Gospel in difficult places and circumstances
The Gospel has the power to radically change the hearts of people and, by extension, communities
Christians should be prepared to face hostility for the sake of the Gospel
The Acts of the Apostles Part 2 & The Life and Writings of Solomon
God gave the Holy Spirit so every believer in Christ may be filled with the Spirit
Elements of truth from outside sources are found in the Bible
The New Testament was written to be read publicly
Meditating on God’s Word provides light and strength for the soul
We draw closer to our Lord as we read God’s Word and pray day by day
Scripture confirms itself as being the inspired Word of God
Christ’s resurrection guarantees victory over death for believers
Christians are called to lead persistent, prayer-filled, and compassionate lives
We become more Christlike as we humble ourselves before God
Godly wisdom guards the tongue and pursues peace
Authentic faith is expressed by our loving actions towards others
Units on the Book of James and How to Study the Bible
Old Testament sacrifices foreshadowed Christ’s perfect sacrifices
The objects of the Holy Place provide a picture of Christ’s ministry
Through Christ, all people have access to God for spiritual cleansing
Older Christians should be valued in their role within family relationships
The Bible provides guidance to instruct and protect the family
Principles for the Christian Household
Christ’s coming calls us to respond to Him with worshipful obedience
Jesus was born to be the Savior of the world
The virgin birth of Jesus attests that He is the Son of God
The prophets foretold the coming of Jesus, the Messiah-Savior
Christians must remain focused on the Champion of our faith, Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ gave Himself as the perfect, eternal sacrifice for our sins
Jesus Christ ministers is the only Mediator between God and man
Jesus Christ ministers as our compassionate High Priest
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God
All humans are descendants of Adam and Noah
God desires us to live in covenant relationship with Him
God is righteous to stop evildoing by His judgment
God is merciful, but persistent sinning invites His judgment
All have sinned and fallen short of glorifying God
Marriage, ordained of God, is between one man and one woman
Everyone and everything have been created by God
There is no god like the Lord God
God is gracious and compassionate
Glorify the living God, who is sovereignly active in the affairs of humankind
Sing praises to God for His matchless greatness
Praising God can lift us up in any situation
The Gospel is for all people everywhere
Anyone who repents and believes in Christ will be saved
The Holy Spirit gives power and direction for ministry
The Gospel is the power of God for salvation
God works to protect and perpetuate the Church
Faithfulness to Christ and church growth go hand-in-hand
God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him
The Holy Spirit enables us to live for Christ and make the Gospel known to the world
Followers of Christ can be certain that one day they will know complete healing and restoration
Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd, who cares for His Sheep
Followers of Jesus Christ are responsible to walk in holiness
Jesus Christ calls all His disciples to endure difficulties as they follow Him
God restores lives that have been broken by sin
Sin, Punishment, and Promised Restoration
Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection
God empowers through the Holy Spirit those He calls to Gospel ministry
Disciples of Christ manifest Christlike characteristics
Instructions for Christian Disciples
The kingdom of God stands in stark contrast to the kingdom of man
The Christian life requires total devotion to Christ
Jesus call all people to become His disciples
Christians are set free the power of Satan through victory in Jesus Christ
Reject Deceivers and Demonic Doctrines
Every evil spirit is subject to the power and authority of Jesus Christ
Because of God’s awesome power, the Christian does not need
God is might to deliver all from all bondage
God is supreme over all spiritual forces
God’s heart is to see lost people lovingly reconciled to Him
Believers should follow Jesus’ example of engaging with sinners
Jesus was born to be the Savior of the World
Jesus’s Birth Announced and Anticipated
Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
God’s grace makes it possible to know the love of Christ
Salvation by grace unites all believers in Christ
Living in Christ is a place of great blessing
God will make a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no sin or sorrow
God has a good purpose for every aspect of creation
Human sinfulness defiles God’s creation, but He will make it new again
God values His creation and commands us to care for it
God cares for all of His creation
God created an orderly world and made humans in His image
The Church is to remain holy in an impure world
God’s judgment is governed by His love and mercy
The Bible give clear guidelines for human sexuality
Because God is Creator, every person is morally responsible to Him
Christians should pray for one another to know God, show love, and live exemplary lives.
Jesus demonstrated surrender to the will of God.
Jesus Christ’s prayer details His desire for His followers
Jesus Christ modeled the best way to pray
Prayer is essential for spiritual awakening
The General Epistles of the New Testament Lesson 1
The Book of 2 Timothy - Lesson 110
The Book of 2 Timothy - Lesson 109
The Book of 2 Timothy - Lesson 108
The Book of 1 Titus - Lesson 107
The Book of 1 Titus - Lesson 106
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 105
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 104
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 103
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 102
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 101
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 100
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 99
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 98
The Book of 1 Timothy - Lesson 97
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 96
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 95
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 94
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 93
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 92
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 91
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 90
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 89
The Book of Phillippians - Lesson 88
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 87
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 86
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 85
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 84
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 83
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 82
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 81
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 80
The Book of Ephesians - Lesson 79
The Book of Colossians - Lesson 78
The Book of Colossians - Lesson 77
The Book of Colossians - Lesson 76
The Book of Philemon - Lesson 74
The Book of Philemon - Lesson 73
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 36A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 35
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 34
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 33
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 32
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 30 - 31
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 28 - 29
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 26 - 27
A Study of the Book of Romans Lesson 28 - 29